Here are some websites that allow you to dispute and negotiate high medical bills:

Visit out linktree for more tips:


– – Offers free advice and mediation resources to help you understand your medical bills and options. You can also get help appealing insurance claim denials.

– – For a fee, BillFixers will audit your medical bills to identify errors and negotiate discounts on your behalf.

– – Crowdsourced platform where you can compare medical bills with others to check for overcharges. Also provides negotiation tools.

– – Professional medical bill negotiators who will audit and negotiate bills for a percentage of the savings.

– – Lookup fair prices in your area to compare with your bill to spot overcharges.

– FAIR Health Consumer – Estimate costs for procedures in your zip code to negotiate a reasonable bill.

– America’s Health Insurance Plans – File appeals and complaints about medical bills and health insurance claims.

– – Resources on your rights, medical debt, and dealing with billing errors.

– State consumer assistance programs – Your state insurance department may provide advocacy services for billing disputes.

Checking these sites for help is a good step before paying a high medical bill you think is unjustified or unaffordable.

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