Dealing with Midland Credit Management (MCM) can be stressful, but you have rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). Here’s how to dispute their claims and potentially win:

1. Verify the Debt

First, request debt validation from MCM. They must prove the debt is yours and they have the right to collect it.

2. Check the Statute of Limitations

Ensure the debt isn’t too old to be legally collected in your state.

3. Review Your Credit Report

Look for any inaccuracies in how MCM is reporting the debt.

4. Prepare Your Dispute

Gather all relevant documentation to support your case.

5. Send a Dispute Letter

Use certified mail with return receipt for all correspondence. Here’s a template:

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State ZIP Code] [Date]

Midland Credit Management
350 Camino De La Reina, Suite 300
San Diego, CA 92108

Re: Dispute of Account [Account Number]

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing to dispute the alleged debt you claim I owe, as reported to the credit bureaus under account number [Account Number].

Under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, I request that you provide validation of this debt. Specifically, I request:

1. Proof that you own the debt or are authorized to collect it.
2. The name and address of the original creditor.
3. A copy of the last billing statement from the original creditor.
4. The amount of the alleged debt and associated fees.
5. Proof that the statute of limitations has not expired on this debt.

Until you provide this information, I demand that you:

1. Cease all collection activities related to this debt.
2. Do not report this debt to any credit reporting agencies.
3. If already reported, mark the debt as disputed with all credit bureaus.

If you cannot provide this validation, I demand that you immediately remove this account from my credit reports and cease all collection efforts.

This is an attempt to correct your records and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.

Sincerely,[Your Name]

6. Follow Up

If MCM can’t validate the debt, they must cease collection efforts and remove it from your credit reports.

7. Consider Professional Help

If MCM persists without proper validation, consider consulting a consumer rights attorney.

– Keep all correspondence.
– Never admit the debt is yours.
– Don’t provide personal financial information.

By following these steps and asserting your rights, you can effectively dispute Midland Credit Management’s claims and potentially win. Stay persistent and informed throughout the process.


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