How to Dispute a Debt with Portfolio Recovery Associates and Request the Chain of Title

Dealing with debt collectors can be stressful, especially when you’re unsure about the legitimacy of the debt. Portfolio Recovery Associates (PRA) is one of the largest debt buyers in the United States, and they often purchase old debts from various creditors. If you’ve been contacted by PRA, it’s crucial to know your rights and the steps you can take to dispute the debt and request the chain of title. This article will guide you through the process.

Understanding Debt Collection and Your Rights

Before diving into the dispute process, it’s essential to understand your rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). This federal law protects consumers from abusive debt collection practices and provides you with the right to dispute a debt and request validation.

Step-by-Step Guide to Disputing a Debt with Portfolio Recovery Associates

  1. Verify the Debt
    • When you receive a notice from PRA, the first step is to verify the debt. Ensure that the debt is yours and that the amount is accurate. Check your records and credit reports for any discrepancies.
  2. Request Debt Validation
    • Within 30 days of receiving the initial notice, send a written request to PRA asking for debt validation. This letter should ask PRA to provide proof that you owe the debt, including the original creditor’s name and the amount owed.
  3. Keep Detailed Records
    • Document all communications with PRA. Keep copies of letters, emails, and notes from phone conversations. This documentation can be crucial if you need to escalate the dispute.
  4. Dispute Inaccurate Debt
    • If you find any inaccuracies in the debt information provided by PRA, send a dispute letter to both PRA and the credit bureaus. Clearly state the errors and provide any supporting documentation.
  5. Request the Chain of Title
    • The chain of title is a record of all the parties that have owned the debt. Requesting this information can help you verify the legitimacy of the debt. In your debt validation letter, specifically ask PRA to provide the chain of title, including all previous owners of the debt.
  6. Send a Cease and Desist Letter
    • If PRA continues to contact you after you’ve disputed the debt, you can send a cease and desist letter. This letter instructs PRA to stop all communication with you. However, be aware that this may prompt PRA to take legal action.
  7. Consider Your Payment Options
    • If the debt is valid and you decide to settle, negotiate a payment plan or a lump-sum settlement. Ensure that any agreement is in writing and that PRA agrees to report the debt as “paid in full” to the credit bureaus.

Sample Debt Validation Letter

Here’s a sample letter you can use to request debt validation and the chain of title:

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC
[City, State, ZIP Code]

Re: Account Number [Your Account Number]

Dear Portfolio Recovery Associates,

I am writing to request validation of the debt referenced above, as required by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Please provide the following information:

1. Proof that I owe the debt, including the original creditor's name and the amount owed.
2. The chain of title, including all previous owners of the debt.
3. Copies of any contracts or agreements that I signed acknowledging the debt.

Please consider this letter a formal dispute of the debt. I request that you cease all collection activities until this debt is validated.

[Your Name]


Disputing a debt with Portfolio Recovery Associates and requesting the chain of title can be a complex process, but it’s essential to protect your credit score and ensure that you’re not paying for a debt you don’t owe. By following these steps and understanding your rights, you can navigate the debt dispute process with confidence.


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