Here are some tips for disputing a debt collection with Portfolio Recovery Associates through the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB):

– First, request validation of the debt from PRA in writing. They are required by law to provide proof that the debt is valid and belongs to you. This is called debt validation.

– Review the validation and ensure the debt amount, original creditor, dates, etc. are all accurate. If any information is incorrect or you don’t recognize the debt, dispute it in writing within 30 days.

– You can dispute directly with PRA or submit a complaint to the CFPB ( The CFPB will forward your dispute to PRA and monitor their response.

– In your dispute, clearly state what you are disputing and why (incorrect information, not your debt, etc). Provide any evidence you have, like identity theft affidavits.

– Persist with disputing in writing if PRA continues to pursue the debt collection. Debt collectors are required to stop collection efforts if the debt is reasonably disputed.

– If PRA cannot validate the debt but continues to try collecting, submit a complaint to the CFPB explaining the situation. The CFPB can take enforcement action if PRA violates consumer protection laws.

– Be sure to keep records of all correspondence and actions taken. A paper trail will help support your case if the dispute is not resolved directly with PRA.

The CFPB provides sample dispute letters and has authority over large debt collectors like PRA, so they can be an effective channel for challenging invalid or inaccurate debts.

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