How a Real Estate Agent Can Help Buyers Choose a First Home, Mortgage, and More

Are you in a credit-related industry like real estate, mortgage, solar, or the auto industry? If so, you will most benefit from our credit repair affiliate program. If you are an affiliate marketer and simply trying to earn affiliate fees with no relationship to the consumer that you refer, you’ll want to look at other programs.

Our credit repair affiliate program is designed to help professionals like you (real estate agent, mortgage lender, solar salesperson, auto salesperson, other) solidify your relationship with a client, and close more business. We do pay well for bringing these credit-challenged clients to us, but the main goal is to help you be more successful in your primary business.

There are many credit repair affiliate programs to choose from. However, not all of them are with credit repair companies. Some are with identity protection or monitoring companies. A few are companies that will help consumers build credit. Others are debt management programs.

But few are truly credit repair companies that fix damaged credit profiles. And most of the credit repair companies that offer affiliate programs are not known for credit repair or don’t have a great track record. These programs might be good for affiliate marketers that do no more than providing links on their website. But if you want the best chance of getting your client qualified, read on.

How Are We Different?

Credit Repair is What We Do

We have specialized in credit repair since 2012. We have helped hundreds of thousands of consumers from all 50 states improve their credit scores. Many of them went on to purchase a home, improve their home such as adding solar power, or purchase a car with a significantly lower interest rate. Read Some Client Reviews

You Stay Involved and Monitor the Progress of Your Client

When you join forces with us you will not just be sending us a lead and then become unaware of the progress of that lead. Let’s face it. You have a vested interest in getting this client prospect qualified. You’ll have a full online Business Office where you can monitor the progress of each of your clients. You and your client will be able to call our staff Monday through Friday, 9 am to 5:30 pm with any questions about their account.

One on One Support

An experienced Agent in our company will be available to assist you with anything you need.

Credit-Related Services Other Than Credit Repair

This is a big one. Other credit repair companies only do credit repair. That means they only attempt to remove derogatory items for the consumer. It’s a beneficial service and we’re very good at it. But removing derogatory items only affects Payment History. Payment history only makes up 35% of a credit score. Why not help with the other 65% and to get the client a higher score and potentially do it faster.

Our clients don’t just receive credit repair. We provide them with other services that monitor, protect, and help increase their score.

We also have other services as needed. Such as adding rent payments to the client’s Transunion and Equifax credit reports. We have seen increases in a short period of time of up to 40 and sometimes 50 points.

There simply is not a better overall credit restoration program for consumers anywhere.

Online Portal and Phone Apps for the Client

All the services we provide and monitoring of the progress of the credit repair service can, of course, be done on a PC or laptop.

Access to All the Services

When you are an affiliate with our company you have access to all of the client services for yourself. If your credit score could use a boost, you’ll be able to take advantage of our award-winning services. Not only will this help your credit score, but you’ll gain confidence in what you are recommending to your clients.

Gain a True Understanding of Credit Repair Law and the Credit Repair Process

Perhaps you are well versed in credit repair law and the credit repair process. But as a member of our credit repair affiliate program, you will have access to training that will fully educate you on the subject and make you better at what you currently do.

Use Our Services to Gain More Clients

Have you thought about using credit repair as a way to gain more clients for your primary business? Credit repair can be the hook to get people to call you instead of another professional in your industry. Being a credit repair affiliate can help you build a much deeper pipeline of future business.

Ready to get your credit restoration journey started?

Build Credit and Earn Rewards with Kovo – Increase your score 20-100 Points

Get Credit for Your Rent

Ready to fix your credit?