# What to Do When a Debt Collector Calls About Your Deceased Son’s Debt

Losing a child is an unimaginable tragedy. Dealing with debt collectors during this time of grief can feel overwhelming and confusing. This guide will help you understand your rights and options when facing calls about your deceased son’s debts.

## Understand Your Liability

In most cases, you are not personally responsible for your deceased son’s debts. Debts typically become the responsibility of the deceased person’s estate. However, there are exceptions:

– If you co-signed on a loan or credit card
– If you live in a community property state and the debt was incurred during marriage
– If state law requires you to pay certain debts, like health care expenses

## Steps to Take

1. **Request Verification**: Ask the debt collector to provide written verification of the debt. This should include details about the original creditor and the amount owed.

2. **Inform the Collector**: Notify the debt collector in writing that your son has passed away. Include a copy of the death certificate if possible.

3. **Direct Them to the Estate**: If an estate has been opened, provide the debt collector with the executor or administrator’s contact information.

4. **Know Your Rights**: Familiarize yourself with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), which protects you from harassing or abusive collection practices.

5. **Consider Seeking Legal Advice**: If you’re unsure about your liability or the debt collector’s claims, consult with a probate attorney or consumer protection lawyer.

## Dealing with Persistent Collectors

If a debt collector continues to contact you after you’ve informed them of your son’s death:

– Send a written request to cease communication
– File a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)
– Report violations to your state’s attorney general’s office

Remember, while this is a difficult time, you have rights. Don’t let debt collectors add to your stress during the grieving process.

## Conclusion

Handling a deceased loved one’s debts can be challenging, but understanding your rights and responsibilities can help ease the burden. Take things one step at a time, and don’t hesitate to seek professional help if needed.

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