The Case for Using Credit Over Debit

When it comes time to pull out a card to make purchases, many consumers default to their trusted debit card. However, there are some compelling reasons to consider using credit cards instead. While responsible use is key, credit cards provide more protections and benefits over debit cards in many cases.

A top reason to favor credit is the ability to dispute fraudulent charges. With debit, stolen money comes right out of your bank account and can be very difficult to get back. Credit cards protect you from losses in fraud cases. Additionally, credit cards offer valuable rewards like cash back and airline miles that debit purchases do not.

Another major advantage is the ability to defer payment on credit cards until the billing cycle comes due. This interest-free grace period gives you flexibility in when you pay. Debit transactions withdraw money immediately. Credit also helps you build payment history which is key for improving your credit score over time.

Finally, credit card companies tend to have better customer service departments to help resolve problems. Trying to work out issues related to debit purchases often involves the merchant’s bank which may provide little assistance. To take advantage of dispute protections, rewards programs, and better service, consumers should strongly consider using credit over debit.

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